Saturday, April 9, 2011

:: My first article: terima kasih Dr. Stef!

Alhamdulillah..syukurrr...terharunya..dan aku rasa sgt2 tak sangka...okok..tak tau nak cerita camne klik ni

this is my first article yg author ada nama aku. tengok2..
Prof Madya Dr Stefanie Pillai, Dr Mahmud Hasan Khan, Ida Syahirah Ibrahim and Sharmane Raphael.

aku tolong Dr Stef buat article ni tyme keje kat UM dulu. bila da siap semua kene submit utk direview.lama jugak article nih direview by banyak pihak termasuk Higher Education. tapi tak sangka article ni diapproved and da dipublish kat Journal Springer on 24 March 2011... ALHAMDULILLAH ;)

papepon thanks sgt2 kat DR. Stef (especially) and Dr Mahmud coz bagi peluang kat aku and BANYAKKKK sgt guide aku ;)


ainihussin said...

congrats kak~ hehe.

p/s:akk ditag. sile juin yerk! *winkwink*

iDe said...


okok,,kalu ade tyme akak wat entry tuh ea..hehe